УДК: 339.97

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-1-4

Bohdan Andrushkiv
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Innovation Activity and Services Management Department, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Nataliia Kyrych
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Administration, Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Anatolii Peshko
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, First Vice-President of the AENU, Chairman of the Union of Public Organizations of Ukraine “People’s Council”
Olha Pohajdak
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher Scientific Research,
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Borys Yazlyuk
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Acting Head of the Department of Economic Expertise and Land Management, Western Ukrainian National University

JEL classification: F55


The article reveals the causes and consequences of ignoring public opinion, the political situation, the position of science and scientists about the emergence of a large-scale war with Russia by the state leadership of Ukraine. Based on the initial analysis of the revealed contradictions and miscalculations of social and economic development of the state, the reasons of brake processes in development of a society and activation of separatist moods were named. To address them, it is offered to intensify the international community, using the extensive opportunities of the UN in the field of resource use, implementation of new projects and investment in advanced technologies. It is proposed to intensify the activities of scientists in this field by uniting them in a political force, the party entitled “Development of education and science – the intellectual health of the nation and the security of the state”. The problem is considered in both national, regional, sectoral sections, and interstate positions. Also, the interconnections and interrelations of Interstate bodies and public authorities in this sphere of public life were revealed. In the paper it is offered to use the political tools and approaches to determining the role and place of specialized (sectoral) UN structures in the development of social processes and on this basis to ensure peace, stabilization and efficiency of production, intensification of socio-economic development of the state. The article discloses the ways of improving the management and implementation of International and European standards in the field of resource use, innovation and increase in the competitiveness of national economies in general.

Keywords: UN, international relations, resource use, universal structures, public association, party, academy, politics, production, responsibility, economy, state, socio-economic development, European standards.


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The article was received 27.12.2021