УДК 005.73: 005.311.11: 303.62
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-11
JEL classification: M14
The article is devoted to the study about determining the type of organizational culture at the enterprise using the survey method. First of all, the relevance of this problem and the desirability of conducting an analysis with subsequent improvement were considered. This have shown that some scientists have already researched the problem of defining the existing type of organizational culture in order to understand possibility for future strategies. Secondly, four main types of organizational cultures were presented which will be defined with the help of proposed questions. This information made a base for our research. Thirdly, the term “survey” was defined and the current situation was analysed. Also, data was cleared about amount of questions that are preferred in written survey in order for answers to be honest and deliberate. In addition, it was found that the questionnaire is somewhat outdated and needs to be improved in order to be truly effective. Based on this it was decided to add questions concerned professional level of staff and its relation to work and connection between current enterprise and its competitors. This will help to avoid unforced errors and embrace more influencing factors. At the same time, it was decided to abandon the previously proposed concept of the survey, because it fully meets the modern needs of the respondents and does not contradict the improvement proposed by the authors. In addition, the diversity of enterprises was taken into account both in size and in terms of the products or services offered in future implementations of this survey. Besides the conclusions were made about rationality of this research, its modernity and actuality; possibility of using at conditions of nowadays economics; results of recent surveys and gaps there; providing additional information in order to improve this field of study; recalculation of questionnaire results.
Keywords: organizational culture, enterprise, management, questionnaire, qualification, strategy.
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The article was received 11.12.2019