УДК: 658.8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-63
JEL classification: M31; L93
The article analyzes the airline’s marketing system, which is quite dynamic and must quickly and effectively adapt to the changing external environment and needs constant adjustment. The relevance of the problem of the formation and implementation of marketing tools for promoting the airline’s products (services) to the market is revealed. It has been established that effective promotion of the airline’s products (services) on the market and advertising is based on careful planning and strategic management of marketing tools, the implementation of which is aimed at ensuring high competitiveness and quality of services. The advantages of forming and implementing marketing tools for promotion and advertising on the market have been determined. The purpose of the marketing tool management strategy and policy is justified. The main factors that influence the efficiency of the airline’s activity have been formed depending on the strategic direction of marketing actions in the airline changes. The expediency of forming marketing programs using effective marketing measures and tools is substantiated. The main goals of the airline’s economic efficiency during the use of marketing tools are determined, namely: substantiating the effectiveness of marketing activities at the stage of developing a plan or deciding; choosing the best option for a marketing program or a package of activities; determining the effectiveness of marketing activities in the process of implementation or based on achieved results. It has been established that it is necessary to form an optimal set of marketing tools and choose the airline’s evaluation criteria and performance indicators to achieve the most excellent effectiveness and profitability of the airline.
Keywords: Marketing program, marketing tools, advertising, promotion, airline, airline performance.
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The article was received 03.10.2023