УДК 338.436.33
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-9
JEL classification: D61; Q15
Introduction. Attention to grain production is driven by its strategic importance within Ukraine’s agro-industrial complex, as its products are critically important as key foodstuffs to support the life.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the economic efficiency increase of grain production in agricultural enterprises in the Mykolaiv region in modern conditions.
Results. The general characteristic of the Mykolaiv region agriculture is given. The essence of the concept of «economic efficiency» is revealed and the indicators of its measurement for food grain are proposed. Indicators yield grain crops to the dynamics are considered, outlining the growth of spring wheat, but the reduction millet and buckwheat. The economic efficiency analysis of grain production in agrarian enterprises of the Mykolaiv region has been done for the studied period by the following indicators: yield, cost of 1 centner of production, average selling price, profit, profitability. As a result of the combined impact of rising cost and price, profitability declined by 8% to 25.7% in 2017. The role of scientifically grounded structure of acreage is considered in ensuring efficiency of agricultural enterprises management based on crop rotation of different soil and climatic zones of Ukraine as a form of organization of their alternation in cultivation. Construction parameters for economic and mathematical model of acreage areas optimization of grain crops in agrarian enterprises of Mykolayiv region are presented.
Conclusions. As a result of the proposed model calculation, optimized values of the specific gravity of the acreage under different crops have been obtained: the sowing of spring wheat will increase by 10% and the smallest – peas by 2%. It is proposed to reduce the acreage under winter wheat by 14% and spring barley by 8%. Such changes will have a positive impact on sales revenue, product cost, and overall profitability.
Keywords: agrarian enterprise, grain crops, economic efficiency, intensification of grain production, yield, cost, profit, level of profitability, economic and mathematical model.
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The article was received 05.03.2019