УДК: 332.3:628.477:502/504(477.82)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-28
JEL classification: Q15; R14
The problem of imperfection of the ecological and economic mechanism of land selection for the disposal of waste disposal facilities is highlighted, the ways of improvement and their evaluation of efficiency are given. The need for resource-saving technologies and environmental policies at both international and regional levels, the rapid growth of the Earth’s population in recent centuries and related processes of industrialization, urbanization, intensification of agricultural production, increasing energy demand and, consequently, increasing waste polluting the environment further complicates the task of substantiating the location of new waste disposal facilities and assessing existing ones. In Ukraine, the issue of waste management is regulated by a number of legislative acts, plans, strategies, recommendations, they contain high-quality criteria for assessing the selected site for solid waste, but none of them has clear guidelines for determining places for potential placement waste disposal facilities that would meet all the above criteria. The authors have developed an ecological and economic mechanism for selecting land plots for the placement of regional landfills that are non-hazardous. This mechanism improves the existing methods and approaches and makes it possible to select the optimal land plots for the location of regional landfills that are not hazardous. The mechanism is based on five successive stages. With the help of the mechanism, the most optimal land plot for Lutsk cluster of the Volyn region was selected. The level of improvement of the mechanism was determined by comparing the existing site of the landfill in the village Bryshche with the selected land plot.
Keywords: ecological and economic mechanism, regional landfill, waste, Lutsk cluster, improvement, efficiency.
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The article was received 19.04.2022