УДК: 334.021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-13
JEL classification: L52
Ukraine’s economic recovery requires the development of agricultural production on an intensive innovative basis, which will ensure food security of the country, guaranteeing everyone the opportunity to eat a balanced diet with quality and safe food, as well as realize the country’s competitive advantages in world food markets. In modern conditions, the country has not yet developed a mechanism for systemic innovation development. A comprehensive solution to the problem of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex is the formation of cluster policy at both the state and regional levels. It is the unification of enterprises and organizations in the cluster of the system that best contributes to the growth of business activity of business structures and overcoming the above-mentioned negative factors that hinder the development of the Ukrainian economy. Coordination of actions and joint efforts of state bodies, educational and scientific organizations, small, medium and large businesses is the key to success, strengthening the competitiveness of the economy, improving the living standards of the population of Ukraine in conditions of fierce competition in the international division of labor. World experience of integration processes shows that integrated enterprises are more efficient and adapted to market economy conditions due to the creation of a single process of manufacturing and promotion of products from its producers to end users, which significantly reduces costs and increases profitability of integrated enterprises, increases volume and quality products, creates unique competitive advantages and increases the market share of sold products. Foreign experience indicates the formation and provision of sustainable competitiveness in the long run of those agricultural enterprises that have merged into clusters.
Keywords: cluster, competitiveness, economic development, regional policy.
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The article was received 12.04.2022