УДК: 311.172:330.341.1(477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-21

Alexander POPOV
Candidate of Economic Sciences, First Deputy Chairman of the Board Joint Stock Company «FED»

JEL classification: O14


The article examines the peculiarities of the spread and implementation of technological innovations in the company’s divisions based on the concept of technological reengineering and its components, taking into account the models of innovative processes of the fourth and fifth generations. It is substantiated that the parameters of the real process of implementing an innovative technological project into production differ from the parameters of the model previously selected as a basis, where the value of the deviation itself is determined by the effectiveness of methods for managing the use of financial funds, taking into account the state of preliminary technical preparation for technological rehabilitation and forecasting the further development of the work execution process by extrapolation assessment of the effective decisions made. The defined main task of operational management to use of financial funds is to ensure maximum coordination of work on the objects of innovation with the aim of the most efficient use of the financial funds at the enterprise and to exclude the possibility of a significant deterioration of the planned and economic indicators in the production process related to the production of the main products. The principles are proposed, on the basis of which models can be built and specific tasks can be formulated regarding the effective planning the start of work in the process of implementing any technological innovation project. It has been established that the most acceptable and realistic alternative is to use heuristic approaches to set the terms for the start of specific works on a technological innovation project. The procedure for monitoring the execution of work on the technological rehabilitation of production was considered. The parameters for assessing the probability of possible additional financial losses associated with the downtime of executors and their general assessment are substantiated, which is important for solving information support issues and developing effective methods of planning and operational regulation of the progress of work on each innovative project during technological rehabilitation.

Keywords: modeling, innovations, reengineering, technologies, process, project.


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The article was received 18.03.2022