УДК 005.722

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-31

Zaslavska Kateryna,
Associate Professor of the Entrepreneurship and Trade Department,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,
Zaslavskyi Volodymyr,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

JEL classification: O22; L20; M20

Introducing a project approach as a tool for ensuring the flexibility and adaptability of enterprises in a turbulent market environment is necessary for increasing business sustainability. The project approach allows enterprises to adapt to changes faster, reduce risks, and improve management efficiency. The modern market environment is characterized by high levels of uncertainty and turbulent change, necessitating the search for new business management approaches. Traditional management methods, focused on stability, often need to provide the flexibility and adaptability required for enterprises to survive in turbulent conditions. This article substantiates the role of the project-based approach as an effective tool for enhancing organizations’ ability to respond quickly to changes in the external environment, reduce risks, and improve management efficiency. The analysis demonstrates that the project-based approach promotes organizational flexibility, fosters innovation, and optimizes resource allocation — critical factors for the successful operation of enterprises in unstable market conditions. However, implementing this approach is accompanied by challenges, such as resistance to change and difficulties in project coordination. The article also explores various project management models, including hybrid approaches that combine the strengths of traditional and agile methodologies. The conclusions emphasize the need for further research focused on integrating the project-based approach with other management tools and studying the impact of corporate culture on the success of its implementation. The application of various models within the project approach framework allows organizations to respond more effectively to the challenges of the turbulent market, combining stability and predictability with the necessary flexibility and adaptability.

Keywords: project, project-based approach, entrepreneurship, adaptability, flexibility, hybrid project models, turbulent environment.


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The article was received 18.07.2024