УДК: 338.48
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-7
JEL classification: R58
The article researches the impact of sustainable development principles on the service sector, analyses the features and benefits of tourism sector development in sustainable development, and reveals the specifics of corporate ethics as an integral part of business ethics. Tourism is considered the most influential industry in the world, covering a wide range of economic activities, and therefore causes severe damage to natural systems and generates social tension. This has led to numerous attempts to adapt the main provisions and principles of sustainable development to the context of tourism. Criteria have been identified that aim to establish a form of corporate responsibility. Quality tools have been identified, aimed not only at compliance with the rules and principles but also at introducing charters, codes, and other rules of proper behaviors contained in these declarations. The necessity of introducing effective criteria, which can be defined as a tool designed to evaluate and compare potential actions from a certain point of view and which can be identified, measured, accepted, and accepted by many people, is substantiated. A comparison is made to understand the performance and efforts made by the tourism enterprise in the quality field. The specifics of building a tourism product primarily based on environmental, cultural, and social quality are determined. The algorithm for creating a sustainable tourism product as a process that requires time and investment, which are much greater than traditional activities, is investigated. The goals that should be considered, such as customer satisfaction and purchase decisions, are identified because “every choice is a rejection”, and in this case, it is about finding ways to encourage demand for tourism products to those that respect the principles of sustainable development and reject those that do not meet specific standards.
Keywords: tourism industry, social responsibility, quality, sustainable development, business processes, quality assessment, tourism product.
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The article was received 10.09.2023