УДК 65.012.4:004

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-25

Melnyk Anton,
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Business, and Administration,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,

JEL classification: M15; O33; L23

The article studies the aspects of implementing digital solutions to optimize management processes. The research aims to analyze, systematize, and generalize the existing theoretical and methodological support for organizational management and to develop a toolkit for implementing digital solutions in management processes. The study analyzes key management processes (planning, organization, motivation, control, and coordination) based on management functions. It justifies the need for implementing digital tools to optimize management processes in the face of modern challenges. A review of literature sources has identified digital technologies that significantly improve organizational effectiveness, increase adaptability, and enhance competitiveness. It was found that digital solutions such as management task automation, Big Data analytics, electronic document flow, and digital communication platforms have great potential for optimizing all management aspects. Digital planning tools allow for more efficient resource forecasting, risk assessment, and adjustment of development strategies. In the organizational process, digitalization helps automate business processes, reducing task completion time and minimizing the likelihood of errors. In the motivational process, using digital platforms enables efficient tracking of employee performance, the creation of personalized reward and incentive programs, and the implementation of gamification to increase employee engagement. Digital solutions in control ensure accurate task monitoring and prompt adjustment of deviations, contributing to compliance with established norms and standards. Coordination in management processes is also significantly improved by implementing digital platforms for project management and internal communication. These tools ensure synchronized work between departments, optimizing task performance and reducing the risk of delays. It is justified that implementing digital technologies reduces time and resource costs, improves transparency in business processes, and adapts organizations to a rapidly changing environment. It has been revealed that digital solutions automate routine tasks and create conditions for innovative development and business sustainability. Thus, implementing digital solutions in all management processes of an organization enhances its effectiveness, adaptability, and ability to respond to external changes, which is critically important in the modern globalized world.

Keywords: management process, management, digital solutions, digitalization, digital tools, automation, adaptation.


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The article was received 23.10.2024