УДК 658.331.1:004.9

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-20

Pysarevska Hanna,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship,
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Shuba Tetiana,
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship,
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Spas Denys,
Student, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

JEL classification: J23, L90

The article studies business communications as a key direction of the enterprise’s HR policy. It aims to substantiate the implementation of business communications as a tool of the enterprise’s HR policy based on digitalization and modern HR trends. It is determined that HR policy is a key element of human capital management, which combines principles, tools, and tasks to ensure a balance between employees’ production, social, and personal needs. Particular attention is paid to modern aspects of personnel management, including the automation of HR processes through digital platforms, which contributes to increasing the efficiency of the organization’s work. Business communications are characterized as a fundamental component of HR policy, which ensures transparency of interaction between employees, increases their involvement, and develops a corporate culture that meets the company’s strategic goals. The article identifies the main types of business communications: vertical (interaction between managers and subordinates); horizontal (collaboration between departments); formal (reporting, regulatory procedures); informal (teambuilding, informal meetings); digital (use of HR platforms and mobile applications); communications during changes (adaptation to innovative transformations). The implementation of HR-Digital in the activities of enterprises is considered, where modern platforms play a key role in the transformation of employee interaction. The effectiveness of such systems as BambooHR, Zoho People, and Hurma System, which allow centralizing data, automating routine tasks, optimizing business processes, and increasing the productivity of organizations, has been analyzed. The study results confirm that integrating modern digital technologies into HR practice is an important step in ensuring the strategic competitiveness of enterprises. The article identifies promising areas for further research related to developing tools for practically implementing the digitalization of business communications in domestic enterprises.

Keywords: business communications, HR-policy, digital platforms, digitalization.


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The article was received 12.10.2024