УДК 338.24:330.34:330.342.14(477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-30

Kozlova Valeria,
postgraduate student of the Faculty of Economics,
Lviv University of Trade and Economics

JEL classification: C82, D81, E69, O11

The article is devoted to the formation of a practical methodology for assessing the impact of innovative and transformed macroeconomic solutions on the possibilities of innovative shifts in the economy of Ukraine. The multi-criteria analysis of the macroeconomic impact was carried out using regression analysis, the design of which most fully covers the metrics adopted in international comparisons. Regression coefficients were determined by the least squares method, and non-homogeneous data were normalized. The orientation of the innovative transformation of management decisions of the Government of Ukraine in the pre-war period is analyzed; their goal is defined as the creation of conditions for dynamic, inclusive growth and structural modernization of the economy. Weaknesses in the management decision-making system regarding the development of innovation potential at the macro level were identified by analyzing Ukraine’s rating according to the Global Innovation Index. The structural dynamics of transformations of macroeconomic decisions are analyzed according to indicators of Ukraine’s economic freedom level. Ukraine’s innovative development dynamics were analyzed based on officially published statistical data. There is a strong relationship between the innovative transformation of macroeconomic management decisions and the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises and the growth of the share of expenditures on scientific research and development in GDP, an unstable relationship between changes in macroeconomic regulation and the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises, and a weak relationship between changes in macroeconomic conditions and patent activity. The proposed analysis model makes it possible to identify the positive and negative effects of macroeconomic regulation on the dynamics of innovative shifts in the economy of Ukraine, so it can be recommended as a tool for diagnosing the quality of innovative transformations of managerial decision-making at the macro level. It is advisable to conduct further explorations to determine managerial influences on the possibility of effectively implementing innovative tools for the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine’s economy.

Keywords: macroeconomic influence; management decisions; structural modernization of the economy; innovative potential; post-war reconstruction of the economy.


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The article was received 28.10.2024