УДК 316.46:005.551
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-7
JEL classification: M12; M59
The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation and development of a system of measures to ensure the effective use of human capital in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The article presents the main challenges that the country will face in the conditions of economic recovery. Also, it justifies the need to restore human capital as the main factor of economic growth. It has been proved that human capital, as a set of knowledge, skills, experience, physical and mental health, social ties, relationships of trust, and norms that promote cooperation between people, is the foundation for achieving the strategic goals of reconstruction. The article considers modern problems of using human capital, exacerbated by the war in terms of components of human capital: vital, intellectual, and social. The negative impact on the vital component of human capital in the post-war period will be exerted by the increase in the number of people with disabilities and the increase in the number of people with chronic diseases and psychological traumas. Threats to intellectual capital include the loss of skilled labor due to significant migration, “brain drain”, destruction of educational and scientific infrastructure, and insufficient funding of educational and scientific spheres, which threatens the long-term development of the country’s intellectual potential. Threats to the social component of human capital include destroying social ties and disintegrating communities, decreased social trust (in state institutions), and loss of social potential due to migration processes. The article proves that post-war reconstruction requires a comprehensive state policy considering modern challenges. Recommendations are developed to restore Ukraine’s human capital, improve the quality of education, support innovative activities, and stimulate social cohesion. Special attention is required for the economic adaptation of military personnel and the integration of internally displaced people into the labor market. The proposed measures aim to ensure sustainable development of Ukraine through intensive reproduction of human capital, creating conditions for the return of migrants and involving youth in recovery processes.
Keywords: human capital, human capital recovery, post-war recovery.
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The article was received 21.10.2024