УДК: 331.108

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-47

Slavkova Olena,
Doctor of Economics, Professor,
Head of public management and administration department, Sumy National Agrarian University,

JEL classification: M12, M 51, M54, O15

The article discusses the use of the latest digital technologies in the work of HR managers of the future generation. The most likely trends that will be characteristic of changes in personnel management shortly are considered. The need to find and systematize effective digital methods in the personnel management system for the professional development of personnel is emphasized. It has been proven that combining digitization methods and using artificial intelligence by enterprise personnel can effectively increase work efficiency. The inevitability of the transition from personnel management to team and process management results from the shift in management focus from automation to leadership. We believe that the personnel manager and personnel service of an enterprise, organization, or company is directly responsible for the optimal organization of personal work by creating favorable conditions for fruitful cooperation, effective interaction of all team members, involvement of personnel in making management decisions, synchronization of work and systematic exchange of information. It’s proven that as technology evolves rapidly, HR managers constantly look for innovative ways to streamline processes, improve employee engagement experiences, and ensure organizational success. One such tool that is becoming increasingly popular in HR is ChatGPT. Global crises contribute to its acceleration instead of stopping or slowing down the development of one sphere of life. A full-scale war forces Ukrainian companies to be resourceful, especially in the HR segment. These companies must maximize their resources to keep operating, support their employees, and fight the enemy. Therefore, thanks to the war, international HR trends will take root in Ukraine faster and easier than in other countries. We see the prospects for further scientific research in the development of methods of introducing artificial intelligence into the work of personnel services.

Keywords: HR management; personnel; HR; development, digitalization, artificial intelligence.


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The article was received 26.12.2023