УДК: 338.439.4:339

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-48

Kuts Tetyana,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Makarchuk Oksana,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,

JEL classification: О13, Q13

The research is dedicated to analyzing problems and prospects for the functioning of the honey market in the conditions of war in Ukraine. As a result of the study, it was found that the war has led to a reduction in honey production and has caused logistical problems, which have affected the level of exports and stockpiling. It has been revealed that despite being one of the world’s largest honey producers, Ukraine faces the problem of selling honey as a raw material at reduced prices. The demand for Ukrainian love is limited by competition from Chinese honey, which is sold at a lower price and in large quantities. However, several key features characterize the honey market in Ukraine. First, it should be noted that most honey is produced by household farms, which complicates the assessment of the natural market capacity due to a certain level of informality in this sector. Only 20% of the produced honey comes from professional apiaries capable of providing large batches of up to 20 tons of honey, while the rest of the production belongs to local small-scale producers with production volumes of up to 1 ton of honey. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, before the full-scale war in Ukraine began, approximately 1.5% of the population was engaged in beekeeping. The introduction of measures by the European Council aimed at simplifying logistics and creating “corridors of solidarity” for the export of Ukrainian goods to the global market following the onset of the large-scale Russian invasion has had a significant political and economic impact on the Ukrainian honey market. Additionally, it is worth noting that the European Union has deepened trade liberalization rules with Ukraine through the bilateral Association Agreement and extended duty-free trade with Ukraine for another year until 2024. This has been a favorable factor for the export of honey from Ukraine to EU countries, which have once again become the largest importers of Ukrainian honey.

The article provides arguments for the necessity of taking measures to promote and develop the honey sector. It emphasizes the importance of efforts both for developing the domestic market and searching for new export markets. In this regard, improving legislation on product quality is a significant direction for the successful development of domestic beekeeping.

Keywords: honey, beekeeping, market, production, export, Ukraine, quality, competitiveness, war.


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The article was received 05.02.2023