УДК: 005.21:005.332.4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-1-17
JEL classification: О32; Р41
Modern economic conditions are quite difficult for the functioning of any enterprise. They are characterized by a significant influence of crisis factors associated with the coronovirus pandemic that has been going on for several years. The business activities consist of interconnected processes and take place under the constant influence of the external environment. The great variety of factors determines their diversity and the degree of positive or negative impact on the performance of industrial enterprises. It should be noted that during the crisis, economic systems significantly activate adaptation processes to adapt the internal environment to changes in the external one. In other words, constant monitoring of factors and their impact on the company activities is becoming increasingly important for enterprises. In the process of enterprise adaptation, under the influence of crises and changes in the external environment, business owners need to make and implement the right economic decisions that will lead to sustainable development of the enterprise in the future. The urgency of this topic is due to the objective need for survival of economic systems based on self-development and change, which ensures the maintenance of their stability and a certain level of dynamic balance with the environment (internal and external). This process is continuous, because in the general socio-economic system there are constant energy, information, material and other exchanges between economic systems and the environment with constant fluctuations in variability, which requires various ongoing adaptation processes regardless the stage of the system (survival, stability, development, etc.). The article considers the group of factors for the analysis of the environment of enterprises, formed blocks by groups of indicators and an identified system of macro monitoring, which provides both special, targeted and current, regular monitoring of key factors influencing the activities of the enterprise for ongoing assessment and forecast of development trends.
Keywords: external environment, internal environment, crisis phenomena, adaptation processes.
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The article was received 12.12.2021