УДК: 339.5:338.432]:330.322(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-30
JEL classification: F14, Q17, O33
It is determined, that Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine has attracted great attention around the world and caused concern. Radical geopolitical uncertainty is changing the rules of the global economy. Countries must accept new realities and adapt to them, prioritizing flexibility and resilience. Ukraine needs to take advantage of the geostrategic window of opportunity for innovation and investment modernization of all sectors of the economy, especially the agricultural sector, as one of the main export-oriented sectors designed to ensure food security and healthy nutrition not only for the domestic market but also for the growing global population; to become an important regional actor and eventually integrate into the European Union, to avoid becoming an outsider in the global economy. The research is devoted to the study and analysis of the problems of innovation and investment modernization of the agricultural sector in accordance with the requirements of sustainable development and global geopolitical uncertainty in order to take advantage of the geostrategic window of opportunity in the post-war period. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive assessment of innovation and investment transformations taking place in the agricultural sector in countries in the context of the challenges of global sustainable development in order to determine the priorities of institutional regulation and organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine in order to take advantage of the geostrategic window of opportunity in the post-war period. The objective of the scientific research is to identify the most successful group of countries in terms of implementation of intensification of production activities, efficiency of implementation of innovation policy and ability to meet the needs for food, taking into account the requirements of sustainable development, substantiation of recommendations for innovation and investment modernization of agricultural production activities of domestic producers, determination of priorities for institutional regulation and organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of foreign economic activity. The following methods of scientific research were used in the article: the method of system analysis, forecasting, generalization, modeling, namely, clustering by the K-Means algorithm. The leading countries with highly innovative agro-industrial sectors are grouped and their experience in formulating state policies aimed at supporting innovative transformations of the agro-industrial complex is summarized. The priority directions of institutional regulation and organizational and economic foundations for the development of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine are substantiated.
Keywords: clustering, geostrategic window of opportunity, international trade, foreign trade, foreign economic activity (FEA), exports, imports, organizational and economic foundations and mechanisms, institutional regulation, innovation and investment modernization and transformation, institutional design of development, state support, state policy, business environment, sustainable development, agricultural production, agricultural sector, agriculture, agricultural enterprises, agricultural products, agricultural products, world / international economy.
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The article was received 25.12.2023