УДК: 630*9-027.31(477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-3-5

Blahun Ivan, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Mendela Yevheniia
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

JEL classification: Q23; L73

In Ukraine today, the forest is the fourth most important natural resource after oil, gas and coal, but despite this, the forest sector of Ukraine is developing unstable. Forests are a source of raw materials for the woodworking, pulp and paper, chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries, furniture production and craftsmen, etc., they are the territory for the implementation of economic activities that provide the creation of jobs and production, and therefore, the formation of GDP. Efforts to preserve biodiversity are not effective enough, so the limited forest resources of Ukraine have a noticeable effect on the size and intra-industry structure of the forest, woodworking, pulp and paper industries. The relevance of the emergence of the method of modeling the development of branches of the national economy in Ukraine is determined by the need to improve industrial policy and introduce the principles of sustainable development. The modeling of complex economic systems, including forestry complexes, is subject to certain characteristics: the presence of a large number of elements, connections and interactions between them, the complexity of the structures formed by these elements, the increase in complexity at the expense of the system due to weak interaction between the system; some dynamism of the system, the complexity and unpredictability of its behavior and the internal regularity of interaction between a part and the whole system in a hierarchical mode. The purpose of this article is the genesis of approaches to the economic development of the forestry complex. When writing the article, the following research methods were used: monographic, generalization, classification. The article considers the genesis of approaches to modeling the economic development of the forestry complex, studies the foreign experience of modeling the socio-economic development of forestry, and analyzes the current state of the forestry complex in Ukraine. The achievements of the formation and development of the mechanism for managing the complex of forest resources use in the region, the peculiarities of forestry will contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of forestry, harvesting and processing enterprises.

Key words: forest industry complex, GDP, innovative model, forest products, green economy, wood raw material potential, economic development.


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The article was received 23.09.2022