УДК: 332.7(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-1
JEL classification: R 33
One of the fundamental factors influencing the state of the commercial real estate market is the changes in key indicators. During the war and after its end, the intentions of Ukrainians and entrepreneurs to invest directly in various business areas will significantly impact their changes. Although the war in Ukraine continues to change the domestic real estate market, the commercial real estate segment – shopping malls, offices, and warehouses – is no exception. Therefore, quite exciting trends have begun to emerge that have changed specific requirements and demands of potential tenants for real estate. A developed commercial real estate market characterizes the level of sophistication of the entire national economy. Commercial real estate plays a vital role in the modern business environment, providing space for various fields of activity. Therefore, the article analyzes the essence and importance of the effective functioning of the commercial real estate market for the country, as it is a much more critical sector of the economy than it might seem at first glance. Given this, a study of the current state of Ukraine’s commercial real estate sector was carried out to identify the leading indicators describing the state and situation in the commercial real estate market. Moreover, it will establish the conditions and requirements for the facilities to ensure their continuous development in times of war and uncertainty. For this purpose, the following research methods were used: comparative analysis to establish theoretical aspects, methods of statistical and analytical analysis, systematization and grouping, and situational and systematic analysis of information sources. Not many scholars study the commercial real estate market economy, as consulting companies and analytical agencies mainly deal with it. However, this does not diminish its relevance, as the market’s activation and efficient functioning directly reflects our country’s economic growth, both now and in the near future, which requires systematic and thorough further research.
Keywords: commercial real estate, market, warehouses, offices, shopping and entertainment centers
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The article was received 15.02.2024