УДК: 658.012.02

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-4-1

Mandych Oleksandra,
Doctor of Sciences (in Economics), Professor, State Biotechnological University,
Babko Natalia
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, State Biotechnological University,
Ustik Tetyana
Doctor of Sciences (in Economics), Professor, Sumy National Agrarian University,
Kolodnenko Natalia
PhD in Economics, Sumy National Agrarian University,

JEL classification: M39

Today’s realities of comprehensive digital development of society require companies to reorient their activities digitally. Most of them have already partially or fully implemented elements of digitization in their practice, but for the comprehensive immersion of business in the world of numbers, the formation of an effective digital strategy is necessary, which makes this issue of research extremely relevant. The article examines the peculiarities of the formation and influence of the digital strategy on the company’s activities. The main stages of implementation through research stages are outlined, a comprehensive assessment of competitors’ activities is carried out, industry leaders are determined, company brands and main customer attraction channels are analyzed, offline representative offices and prices for the key range of products are considered; then an offer (trade offer to the target audience) is formed, the company integrates the results of end-to-end analytics of the segment leaders into the functionality of its digital platform; then through sales (the principle of distribution of potential customers according to the stages of the entire process from the first contact to the sale of a product or service) the attraction of buyers is carried out; at the fourth stage, budgeting is carried out, that is, key resources for further growth are determined; the final stage involves conducting analytics and drawing conclusions, deploying a digital strategy through the collection of general analytical data. The main advantages and disadvantages of the company’s digital strategy are highlighted. The peculiarities of the application of the digital strategy and its results for the company are analyzed. Key performance indicators (KPI) for all digital promotion channels are determined. This step is necessary primarily to adjust financial costs, inefficient tools are automatically rejected. This evaluation system ensures growth through the achievement of the necessary numerical indicators. The criteria depend on situational factors, which can reduce the accuracy of the forecast. The predicted indicators are close to the real ones, as they take into account the risks that are possible in the process of digital promotion.

Keywords: digital strategy, digitization, digital transformation, digital technologies, effectiveness of digital technologies.


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The article was received 23.10.2022