УДК: 331. 108. 2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-50

Nazarova Galyna,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,
Urdukhanov Rustam,
postgraduate PhD program, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,

JEL classification: M12, H55

Ensuring security, in particular personnel security, is one of the priority areas of activity of any modern enterprise. The study proposed a typical structure of the personnel security system of the enterprise, which includes strategies, organizational subsystems, informational, regulatory, and methodological, technological, instrumental, personnel, and financial support. The strategy can be implemented based on one of three options: 1) a strategy of preventive counteraction to threats, 2) a strategy of passive protection against threats, and 3) a strategy of adequate countermeasures, which is a compromise between the first and second options. Information support of the personnel security management system includes methods and procedures for obtaining the necessary primary information, formalization of information channels within the design framework, and creation of databases related to internal and external personnel security problems. Normative and methodological support includes a set of external and internal regulations used in managing this area of activity and documents of a recommendatory nature. Technological support is defined as a set of formalized technologies for ensuring the organization’s security against various personnel threats. Their presence is the main prerequisite for the effectiveness of management, as it allows you to identify the direct participants (instances and workplaces that participate in the process of protection against a specific threat), management procedures, the terms of action for each management procedure, liability of participants for violation of technology. Instrumentation is defined as a set of applied management methods used within the framework of the system. Staffing is determined by fully staffed services responsible for managing the personnel security of the organization. Financial support is determined by the totality of financial resources allocated for supporting and developing this direction. Personnel security is manifested in the following areas of personnel management – hiring, accounting, control, and safe dismissal.

Keywords: personnel security, management system, strategy, risks, threats, subsystems, provision.


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The article was received 20.02.2023