УДК 339.137.2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-16

Tetyana Voroniuk
Postgraduate student of Department of Business,
Trade and Stock Exchange Operations
Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University
Oleg Luchyk
Assistant of Department of Business, Trade and Stock Exchange Operations
Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University

JEL classification: M21, L26, D41


The article defines theoretical principles and key components of the mechanism of enterprise competitiveness management. At the beginning of the formation of the mechanism of enterprise competitiveness management it is necessary to define its main purpose, which will be coordinated with all further actions of the subjects of management – heads of the institutional, managerial and operational level. The management entities perform their functions and develop a strategy and specific tasks in the field of improving the competitiveness of the enterprise in accordance with clearly defined principles and considering the existing provisioning subsystem. It should be noted that in the current economic environment, compliance with the principle of corporate social responsibility is essential in the context of maintaining and increasing competitive positions. Functions and tasks are accomplished at all levels of the enterprise’s activity through the direct subjects’ influence to the objects of management, which include a set of functional spheres of the company’s activity. Controlling influence on the objects of management is exercised through the management of controlled factors and the adaptation of activities to the actions of the uncontrolled factors, the use of a set of tools of influence, as well as a system of methods of assessing the level of competitiveness of the enterprise.

As a result of the implementation of the enterprise competitiveness management mechanism, the production and sale of products of high level of competitiveness should be ensured, which is the main indicator of the enterprise’s success in the market and creates opportunities for maintaining and enhancing competitive positions, improving the company’s image and ensuring high level of profitability. It is important to note that in the course of the activity, the mechanism of enterprise competitiveness management requires constant adaptation to changing economic conditions by making adjustments in the competitive strategy, current plans of activities, tasks and measures aimed at acquiring new and maintaining the existing competitive advantages of the enterprise.

Keywords: enterprise competitiveness, enterprise management, management principles, mechanism of enterprise competitiveness management.


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The article was received 15.07.2019