УДК 332.1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-45

Kashchena Nataliia,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, State Biotechnological University
Vasylishyn Stanislav,
Doctor of Economics, Professor, National Scientific Centre «Institute of Agrarian Economics»,
Institute of Accounting and Finance
Rudenko Serhii,
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, State Biotechnological University
Nakisko Oleksandr,
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, State Biotechnological University

JEL classification: O39; Q57; R11

This article delves into establishing an innovative ecosystem in Ukraine, essential for sustainable economic recovery and regional development. The significance of innovation in driving economic growth cannot be overstated, especially in a country that has faced numerous challenges, including political instability, economic downturns, and external threats. An innovative ecosystem serves as a framework that integrates various stakeholders, including scientific institutions, higher education establishments, businesses, and government entities, to foster collaboration and create an environment conducive to innovation. The article begins by defining an innovative ecosystem and its core components. It highlights the importance of synergy among different participants in the innovation process. Scientific institutions are crucial for research and development (R&D), providing the necessary knowledge and expertise to drive innovation. Higher education institutions play a pivotal role in preparing a skilled workforce equipped with the necessary competencies to meet the demands of a rapidly changing labor market. On the other hand, businesses are responsible for commercializing innovations and bringing new products and services to market. One of the critical aspects discussed is the need for effective collaboration among these stakeholders. The article emphasizes that strong partnerships between academia and industry characterize thriving innovative ecosystems. This collaboration can take various forms, including joint research projects, internships for students in companies, and knowledge transfer initiatives. These entities can leverage each other’s strengths to accelerate the innovation process by working together. Moreover, the article addresses the barriers to forming an innovative ecosystem in Ukraine. These barriers include inadequate regulatory frameworks supporting innovation, insufficient funding for R&D activities, and a fragmented approach to innovation policy. Ukraine’s current state of innovation is often hindered by bureaucratic obstacles that slow the implementation of innovative solutions. Therefore, policymakers must create a supportive environment that encourages investment in research and development. In addition to addressing systemic challenges, the article highlights the importance of fostering a culture of innovation within society. This includes promoting entrepreneurship and encouraging individuals to pursue innovative ideas. Educational programs focused on entrepreneurship can inspire young people to participate actively in the innovation ecosystem. Furthermore, public awareness campaigns can help shift societal attitudes towards risk-taking and experimentation. The conclusion of the article emphasizes Ukraine’s potential to create a robust, innovative ecosystem that can enhance its competitiveness on the global stage. By leveraging its human capital, rich natural resources, and growing technological capabilities, Ukraine can position itself as a hub for innovation in Eastern Europe. Successfully implementing state innovation policies aligned with European benchmarks will be critical. In summary, forming an innovative ecosystem is not just about fostering technological advancements but about creating a holistic environment where collaboration thrives, barriers are minimized, and creativity flourishes. The path toward establishing such an ecosystem requires concerted efforts from all stakeholders involved-government agencies must work together with educational institutions and businesses to cultivate a vibrant landscape for innovation. By doing so, Ukraine can pave the way for sustainable economic growth and regional development that benefits all citizens.

Keywords: ecosystem, national security, region, economic recovery, sustainable development.


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The article was received 02.08.2024