УДК 338.43:65.012.3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-64
JEL classification: G34
The paper analyzes the current challenges the agricultural sector faces and explores ways to optimize its operations. The article emphasizes the importance of restructuring as a key tool for enhancing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in conditions of economic instability and the growth of global integration processes. It substantiates the need for developing a systematic approach to restructuring management that considers the specific characteristics of the agro-industrial sector, including the seasonality of production, dependence on climatic conditions, limited access to financial resources, and low levels of innovation activity. The article examines the key components of an effective management system, including strategic planning, internal process analysis, development of a restructuring model, and monitoring and control of restructuring plan implementation. Emphasis is placed on the importance of financial management, the introduction of innovative technologies, state support, and institutional changes to ensure effective management of agricultural enterprises. The study highlights that successful restructuring requires integrating internal and external factors, such as market conditions, state policies, and environmental and technological challenges. Moreover, the article presents a comprehensive analysis of the best practices for restructuring management in countries with developed agricultural sectors while considering the unique conditions of Ukrainian enterprises. The authors utilize comparative analysis methods, structural-functional approaches, modeling, and expert evaluations to develop scientifically grounded recommendations for improving the management system of agricultural enterprises. The article also delves into the need for an adaptive and flexible management model that enhances efficiency and promotes long-term stability and growth. The model aims to ensure that agricultural enterprises can withstand market pressures, adapt to legislative changes, and respond to technological advancements, ultimately enhancing sustainability. The authors argue that successful restructuring should incorporate investment attraction, technological modernization, and efficient use of state programs designed to support agricultural development.
Keywords: Restructuring, agricultural enterprises, management system, strategic planning, innovative technologies, financial management, state support, institutional changes, process optimization, production modernization, monitoring and control, internal analysis, managerial decisions, capital investment, efficiency improvement, automation, agricultural sector development, investments, organizational structure, risk management.
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The article was received 03.08.2024