УДК: 334.012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-63
JEL classification: M31
Currently serving as the backbone of numerous national economies, the tourism industry occupies a substantial economic niche and is a rapidly evolving and promising sector. However, it is not immune to the uncertainties of the economic environment. To address the challenges and foster the industry’s growth, it is imperative to employ comprehensive marketing tools and strategies in regional tourism development. The publication’s purpose is to research and analyze the theoretical and methodological aspects of forming a marketing strategy for the regional development of tourism. The article examines the peculiarities of forming a marketing strategy for the regional development of tourism. The categorical apparatus “strategy” and “marketing strategy” are defined and researched marketing tools in tourism at the regional level. Grounded marketing concepts: management concept, promotion technology, functional direction. The role of marketing in the tourism industry is indicated, and attention is paid to the fact that the strategic goals of regional management require a marketing approach. The requirements for the marketing strategy are determined, the system of indicators for evaluating the results of the strategy implementation at the regional level, and indicators of the regional effectiveness of marketing activities. Tourism activities are implemented in a competitive market environment where specific economic laws and market relations apply. Numerous external and internal factors currently affect the development of the tourism industry. Marketing tourism policy is aimed at increasing the level of competitiveness. To remain competitive, it is necessary to introduce innovations and develop new marketing strategies.
Keywords: strategy, marketing, marketing strategy, region, competitiveness, innovation.
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The article was received 10.01.2024