УДК: 339.13:637.54
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-4-40
JEL classification: М31, Q13, Q19
The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of marketing strategies for regional markets. When forming marketing strategies for regional development, the need to reconcile the interests of three interested parties cooperating on the regional market is considered: producers of products, consumers of products, and sales agents involved in selling these products. The content of approaches to the interpretation of the concept of marketing strategy is summarized, and its performance is proposed: a marketing strategy for the development of regional markets is a set of management decisions that form enterprises–manufacturers and trade enterprises to increase income from the sale of products on a specific regional market. The main tasks of developing a marketing strategy for the development of regional markets are summarized: determining the goals and central areas of activity of enterprises that sell products on this market; coordination of interaction between enterprises–manufacturers and trade enterprises; assessment of the prospects for the sale of products on the regional market; determination of alternative options for entering the regional market with products; creation of optimal conditions for effective sale of products on the regional market; evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing development strategy proposed for the regional market. Contradictions and convergence of individual interests of three interested parties (manufacturers of products, trading companies, consumers of products) that directly participate in the functioning of regional markets according to such indicators as product range, product quality, product price, branching of distribution channels, the activity of advertising campaigns are determined. The role of state marketing in the formation of marketing strategies for the development of regional product markets is considered a factor aimed at supporting socially essential businesses in the regions, which, due to the combination of efforts with commercial micromarketing tools, forms a cumulative effect for the development of markets.
Keywords: marketing strategies of development, regional markets of enterprises, trade enterprises, consumers of products, state marketing.
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The article was received 05.11.2022