УДК [338.439.02]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-10
JEL classification: Q18
Introduction. Current conditions of socio-economic relations development, formation of a single Food independence require special attention in the realization conditions of the state food security strategy, since the implementation of the state foreign economic policy aimed at maintaining the openness of internal markets in terms of Ukraine’s integration into the multilateral system of WTO food security of the state and some pressure from foreign trading partners.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to develop methodological bases for guaranteeing food security and independence, the factors of their formation and to develop recommendations for guaranteeing the food security of the state under the influence of foreign economic factors.
Methods. The methods of system analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical, monographic, generalization, were used in the study.
Results. Food security and its components have been investigated. Theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the study of food independence and food self-sufficiency as the main elements of food security are analyzed. The conclusions on the state of food security of Ukraine are formulated on the basis of indicators of food independence by main foodstuffs, self-sufficiency of basic types of foodstuffs, foreign trade in foodstuffs and balance of foreign trade in foodstuffs.
The main problems that do not allow to increase the food independence of the state are identified and those that need to be solved within the framework of the state food security strategy. The strategic tasks of the state policy for the achievement of food independence and self-sufficiency are considered in the conditions of increasing integration of Ukraine into the system of international relations. A set of measures is proposed to stimulate the development of a number of agriculture sectors and food industry to ensure their competitiveness within the framework of the food security strategy. The necessity of using indirect instruments and mechanisms of financial support to the agricultural sector, the introduction of an effective system of foreign economic regulation in the agrarian sector are justified, aimed at protecting domestic producers from unfair and excessive competition from foreign suppliers and promoting equipoise.
Key words: food security, food independence, food security, foreign trade, agrarian sector.
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The article was received 09.07.2019