УДК: 658.62.336.748
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-31
JEL classification: О31; H12
The article represents the study of the peculiarities of using organizational and management innovations in the anti-crisis management system of domestic enterprises. The urgent need to use innovations in the anti-crisis management system as an effective tool for overcoming crisis phenomena and ensuring the stable operation of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty is revealed. The analysis of the practical experience proved that innovations are the most effective tools of crisis management at present. To ensure the effectiveness of anti-crisis measures, it is first necessary to implement innovations in the management system of a crisis enterprise. Organizational and management innovations make it possible to ensure the effectiveness of the anti-crisis management system and are the basis of a “correct” anti-crisis program at the enterprise. The relationship between the goals of anti-crisis management applied organizational and management innovations, and crisis factors that negatively affect the state of the enterprise is revealed. Various approaches to implementing organizational and governance innovations in the activities of crisis enterprises are studied, and their specific features and main types are presented. The content of the anti-crisis program formation stages, which is based on the use of organizational and management innovations, is presented. Among the innovations aimed at optimizing and increasing the management system’s efficiency, the author singles out the reengineering system. Removal of problem zones and improvement of the business processes, directed at the increase of competitive potential, is the base for constructing the process-focused model of anti-crisis management representing a qualitatively new method of the enterprise’s control.
Keywords: innovation, crisis, anti-crisis management system, organizational and management innovations, business restructuring, business model, reengineering.
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The article was received 22.02.2023