УДК 338.48
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-6
JEL classification: I19; L83; Z30
The article is devoted to studying the development of medical and health tourism. Its purpose is to study modern trends and problems of this development. The article considers the features of the development of medical and health tourism, which is an important direction focused on preserving and strengthening health and increasing people’s vital activity. The study analyzes the main factors that contribute to the development of this type of tourism, particularly physical and geographical conditions, the availability of natural resources, and their impact on human health. The role of medical and health resorts and sanatoriums that provide treatment with the help of natural factors, such as mineral waters, therapeutic mud, and climatotherapy, is substantiated. Statistical data are provided, which indicates the growing popularity of medical and health tourism around the world. It is revealed that resorts with mineral waters, mud baths, and other natural resources are important centers of treatment and health restoration. At the same time, the study revealed that, despite the high resource potential, many regions of Ukraine need to improve infrastructure to attract more tourists. One of the main factors in the development of medical tourism is innovation in the medical field, which includes new treatment methods, preventive medicine, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment. The article focuses on the importance of these innovations for improving the quality of medical services and the accessibility of treatment for tourists. The study also examines various methods of treatment in sanatoriums, in particular balneotherapy, mud therapy, and climatotherapy, which contribute to restoring the physical and psychological strength of patients. The article reveals the importance of sanatorium treatment for the prevention and treatment of diseases, as well as for reducing healthcare costs and improving the economic situation in the country. It has been found that the development of medical tourism can significantly stimulate economic growth, create new jobs, and attract investments in tourism infrastructure. The study also demonstrated that medical tourism improves access to healthcare services and promotes cultural exchange between tourists and local communities. In addition, it has a positive social impact, raising the overall standard of living of the population and ensuring sustainable development of regions.
Keywords: tourism, health improvement, tourism product, development, resources.
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The article was received 12.10.2024