УДК: 35.071.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-3-15
JEL classification: L86
The digital revolution is the impact of information and communication technologies on all the levels of society. Society is witnessing the simultaneous development of big databases, artificial intelligence, blockchain, robotics, database science and other rapidly developing technologies. They influence and reinforce each other in all areas of our lives (from food systems to utility systems, energy supply, education, health care and social security). This determines the direction of economic development: the formation of electronic government, electronic business and electronic commerce. It is not just about technology, it is about people and the planet in general. E-Government, in particular, brings significant and long-term changes to the way people live and interact with each other, the environment and public services. The use of e-Government has great potential not only for increasing the efficiency of public services, but also from the viewpoint of increasing the transparency of organizational and business processes and for holding people accountable. Implementation and automation of economic processes with the help of information and communication technologies in real time is a necessary condition for the creation and development of electronic services, which allows reducing operational costs and the cost of production services. With the use of technologies, the concept of “electronic services” (increasing efficiency, simplifying communication between the public and the state) is widely used. Furthermore, electronic services are considered to beone of the most effective tools ensuring transparency and preventing corruption. The process of spreading electronic government in our country is no longer a technological innovation for the population and is being transformed into an accessible tool for obtaining public services, which contributes to increasing the transparency of public authorities. For a deeper penetration of electronic government technology, it is necessary to carry out systematic and purposeful work at the level of regional authorities, which will contribute to the involvement of the population in dialogue with them and the formation of the integration stage of electronic government.
Keywords: digital economy, information society, electronic government, electronic services, trends in the development of electronic services.
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The article was received 15.10.2022