УДК: 338.262.7:330.33
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-8
JEL classification: L10; L11; L51; L81
Introduction. Today, given the many facts of the impact on the country’s energy security that have taken place and continue to take place, the process of strengthening energy security continues to be actively discussed. At the same time, it seems logical to ask how the regulations in Ukraine contributed to this, how effective, logical, timely they were, and so on. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the processes of state regulation of the electricity sector as one of the main systems for strengthening energy security is needed. The purpose of the article is to study the features of state regulation of the electricity sector as a basis for strengthening energy security.
The article analyzes a number of scientific publications, based on which we can conclude that today one of the important tasks of the state is to regulate and control the activities of electricity companies, as their operation directly affects the strengthening of energy security. It is established that the essence of scientific research is to determine the functional practices and trends of certain economic phenomena, and in our case the development of the electricity market and the tools of its regulation. It is proved that the developed investment and innovation policy in the field of electricity promotes the development of the industry and strengthens its position in the international market. The normative and legal support of the development of the electric power sphere is investigated and the main problems of development of the studied branch are outlined. The current state and dynamics of development of the electric power industry are analyzed. The article substantiates the essence and features of state regulation of the electri-city market with the definition of the main problems and ways to level them. A number of manage-ment actions aimed at high-quality information support of the electricity sector are proposed, which is extremely important today in terms of strengthening the country’s energy security.
Key words: state regulation, energy security, electric power branch, investments.
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The article was received 15.10.2020