УДК [004.738.5:339.138]:347.71
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-4
JEL classification: M31; Q13
Introduction. In the complex conditions of the pandemic, e-commerce, as world experience shows, is gaining considerable weight and reaches a very new level. A number of powerful online stores are moving from online trading to offline trading. The objective reality of the domestic economy is the functioning of commodity markets in its system, economic relations in which are characterized by the dominance of the producer or seller over the consumer. In the context of globalization, the problem of economic growth becomes especially important. The problem of the COVID-19 pandemic could not but affect the rate of economic growth. In such difficult conditions of the pandemic, e-commerce, as world experience shows, is gaining considerable weight and reaches a very new level. A number of powerful online stores, such as Rozetka and Makeup, are selectively moving from online trading to offline trading through separate sales channels.
Based on this, the main purpose of research is to determine the features of marketing activities in today’s pandemic, in particular the rationale for the transition from offline to online commerce.
Results. E-commerce is an economic field that includes all types of Internet transactions. The share of e-commerce is steadily growing in Ukraine. With 18.7 million Internet users in Ukraine, the share of e-commerce is only 7.2 percent, which in itself is a paradox. The number of Ukrainian buyers on the Internet is growing, but the rate of such growth is much lower compared to developed Western countries. Currently, the economic situation is such that such online stores Rozetka and Makeup, remaining leaders in online commerce, are moving to online commerce in order to develop additional sales channels. The trend of further development of e-commerce has a stabilizing effect on the development of the global economy. There is a formation of a single information space with the creation of appropriate conditions for open competition of goods and services. Therefore, every business must develop in both directions. And e-commerce has every reason for active implementation in the domestic market.
Conclusions. The share of e-commerce is steadily growing in Ukraine. Leading online stores remain the leaders in online commerce, moving to online commerce in order to develop additional sales channels. Thus, e-commerce has every reason for active implementation in the domestic market. But there are a number of problems, although the forecasts are positive and e-commerce with a certain change in the behavioral factor will take a worthy place in the structure of the national economy and people’s consciousness. Thus, e-commerce has every reason for active implementation in the domestic market. But there are a number of problems that hinder the development of e-commerce. Although the forecasts, as world experience shows, are positive and e-commerce with a certain change in the behavioral factor will take a worthy place in the structure of the national economy and people’s consciousness.
Key words: marketing, activity, commerce, electronic, offline trade, offline trade, market.
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The article was received 05.10.2020