УДК: 005.591.6:338.43
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-40
JEL classification: O31; Q16
The article considers the financial aspects and mechanisms of ensuring the innovative development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine. The agricultural industry is one of the critical sectors of the country’s economy and has significant potential for creative growth and increased competitiveness. The main challenges Ukraine’s agrarian sector faces in the context of innovative development and securing the necessary financial resources are analyzed. Key factors influencing agribusinesses’ financial stability and growth are highlighted, such as high dependency on external markets, insufficient credit availability, low levels of investment, and limited opportunities for research and development funding. In addressing these issues, the potential of implementing new financial instruments and mechanisms is explored, such as government grants, venture capital, public-private partnerships, and other forms of co-financing. Existing state programs supporting agricultural innovation are analyzed, identifying their advantages and disadvantages. The article places significant emphasis on the role of government institutions and regulatory bodies in stimulating the innovative development of the agricultural sector through effective regulation and the creation of favorable conditions for investment. The importance of developing the scientific and technical potential of the industry and actively supporting research aimed at innovation in agro-industrial production is also discussed. The overall conclusion is that the innovative development of Ukraine’s agricultural sector has great potential, but its successful realization depends on adequate financial support. Government structures play a leading role in this, as they need to develop strategic plans to support innovation and ensure the proper funding for implementing innovative projects.
Keywords: innovations, agricultural sector, financial support, investments, government support, development, Ukraine.
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The article was received 18.02.2023