УДК: 338.24:640.41(045)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-49

Barna Marta,
Doctor of Science (in Economics), Professor, Vice Rector, Professor of the Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business,
Lviv University of Trade and Economics
Bahan Nadiia,
PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer of I. Markina Department of Management,
Poltava State Agrarian University
Hmelnitska Yevgenia,
Candidate of Science (in Technical), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Departament of Food technologies,
Poltava State Agrarian University

JEL classification: L 83

The article is devoted to systematizing influencing factors in the formation, condition, and efficiency of resource management in hospitality enterprises. The study’s purpose, which is to determine the factors influencing the formation, state, and efficiency of resource management in enterprises in the hospitality industry, is urgent and pressing. Studying factors affecting the formation, state, and efficiency of using enterprises’ resources in the hospitality industry is highly relevant and promising. Investigating these factors can help hospitality businesses improve resource efficiency, which can lead to lower costs and increased profits; improve the quality of services and meet the changing needs of customers; increase your competitiveness on the market; increase resilience to economic and geopolitical shocks; to become more environmentally and socially responsible.

Considering the evolution of scientific knowledge and the variety of approaches to defining the essence of the concept of «resources», we notice that there is no officially accepted statement. The insufficient research on this concept and the need for further research into the content of the concept of «resources of hospitality industry enterprises» are apparent. Therefore, within the framework of the conducted research, it is proposed to define the statement «resources of hospitality industry enterprises» as a set of interrelated natural, material, intangible, financial, labor, time, and information factors, which, when interacting with each other and taking into account the influence of factors of the external and internal environment ensure the smooth operation of hospitality industry enterprises to obtain maximum profit, taking into account the economic, environmental and social foundations. Since in the proposed interpretation for the uninterrupted operation of hospitality industry enterprises, attention is focused on the economically, ecologically, and socially effective use of six types of resources, considering the influence of external and internal environmental factors, the next stage of the study will be the determination of the theoretical foundations of the effective use of resources of hospitality industry enterprises.

Keywords: efficiency, use of resources, enterprises, hospitality industry, management, economy.


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The article was received 11.04.2024