УДК: 330.322:330.567.2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-28

Tetiana Lepeyko
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief of the Management and Business Department
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Inna Kozlova
Lecturer, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

JEL classification: D10; D81; G4


Introduction. The basis of economic development in any country is the investment activity of economic entities. To increase investment activity in the country, it is necessary to involve households in investment activities, which can significantly increase the level of investment at all levels through active investment behavior.

The purpose of the research is to analyze the impact of factors on the households’ investment behavior in conditions of uncertainty, which is realized by analysis of the main sources of households’ investment activity at the macro, meso and micro levels; study of the composition of investment expenditures in the households; correlation analysis of the impact of the identified factors on the households’ investment behavior.

Results. Investment behavior of households is the action to convert investment sources into certain types of income depending on the areas of investment activity. The main sources for investment in households are cash resources in the form of wages, income from entrepreneurial activities; financial assistance from various sources. The structure and level of the households’ income depend on the households’ location, their age structure, educational and cultural level of household members. Investment expenditures of households are the basis of their investment behavior. The most popular among Ukrainian households are the following investment expenditures: purchase of property to generate income; deposits in banks; spending on educational services, child development and health support of household members. The expenditures structure also depends on the characteristics of the household. Correlation analysis was used to determine the impact of factors, including the uncertainty factor, on household investment expenditures. The uncertainty factor is based on the index of consumer confidence of households.

Conclusions. The households’ investment behavior is influenced by many factors, but the most significant factors are the level of household savings, the level of household income, the index of consumer confidence of households as a factor in assessing the level of uncertainty.

Keywords: household’s investment behavior, household income, investment expenditure of households, uncertainty factor.


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The article was received 25.09.2020