УДК 339:65.01:330.322:658.8
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-32
JEL classification: F 17; L 81; G 31; H 54
The article is devoted to the solution of an actual scientific and applied problem – the analysis of influencing factors on the realization of investment and innovation potential in the field of trade, which will allow to more clearly define and formulate the innovative goals of the economic modernization of the state in the process of rebuilding the economic system, to ensure the sustainable development of trade with an orientation towards global competitiveness. The study’s goal was the development and approval of the system analysis scheme of innovation and investment potential, which can be applied at all stages of its formation at the levels of individual trade enterprises and the branch level. The dynamic indicators of resource provision, added value, and turnover were analyzed to determine the type of development of the Ukrainian trade industry. Stimulating factors and inhibiting factors for activating investment in trade are described. A model of the unity and interrelationships of the structural components of the innovation and investment potential of the trade industry is proposed. Determination of the influence of external and internal factors influencing the possibility of realizing the structural components of the innovation and investment potential of the trade industry was carried out using the PRESTCOM analysis since it allows the distribution of factors by direction and degree of influence on the formation of innovation and investment potential, taking into account the probability of the occurrence of the specified event shortly. The distribution and features of influencing factors on the possibilities of forming the innovation and investment potential of the trade sector are analyzed. The methodological aspect of system evaluation consists of determining deterministic depending on the described subsystems at all stages of formation and creation of innovation and investment potential. The following studies are recommended to analyze the components of the innovation and investment potential most important for the post-war reconstruction of the branches of the Ukrainian economy.
Keywords: trade industry; innovation and investment potential; structural components; PRESTCOM analysis; influencing factors.
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The article was received 28.10.2024