УДК 338.432:631.115

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-35

senior lecturer of Department of Production, Business and Management Organization,
Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture

JEL classification: O13; Q17


The research is devoted to substantiation of theoretical, methodological and practical principles of managing the process of combining agrarian industries. Its practical importance lies in the formulation and implementation of an export-oriented strategy for agricultural enterprises. One of the key factors of increasing agricultural export potential is the sectoral structure of agriculture. The strategic orientation of agricultural enterprises to the foreign market actualizes the combination of agricultural production within one economic unit, and therefore raises the issue of production specialization. Within the framework of scientific analysis of the diversification degree of production activity in accordance with reasonable specialization, deepening of integration processes and cooperation of activity, the agricultural enterprises typology by specialization criterion has been proposed by allocating deeply specialized, specialized and non-specialized enterprises on the basis of setting the parameters of their division of enterprise production market potential and its products. The indicators system of the specialization level of agricultural enterprises, the efficiency criterion of agricultural production specialization are presented. The comparing method the effectiveness of several specialization options in the long run is presented. Strategic directions of rationalization of export orientation processes on the basis of effective commodity specialization and combination of agrarian enterprises branches are revealed. The conclusion is made that the choice of the optimal export-oriented strategy of agricultural enterprises should be evaluated taking into account the advantages of combining the agricultural production branches, their successful combination, adequacy to regional natural and climatic conditions of management. This will allow to realize the influence of agro-climatic and agro-technological potential on the products quality, will provide enterprise competitive advantages by reducing the production cost, which in turn will allow to win price competition in the market.

Keywords: agricultural enterprises, specialization, agricultural production, export orientation, competitive advantages

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The article was received 11.07.2019