УДК: 657.1:332.6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-3-48
JEL classification: Q 15
The article is devoted to defining and substantiating the procedures for applying expert analytical tools to agrarian enterprises’ land resources management systems. The problems and prospects of economic evaluation of land use in Ukraine’s agriculture in modern market conditions are considered. The sequence of application of expert-analytical procedures in the analysis of land use of agricultural enterprises is proposed, which includes the collection and systematization of information about land plots, the analysis of the suitability of land resources for agricultural activity, the assessment of risks and opportunities related to agricultural activity, forecasting the development of an agricultural enterprise, and the development of strategies land management and systematic monitoring of the land use situation and adjustment of strategies by changing conditions. A list of particular analytical documents and forms is defined for effective collection, systematization, and quality use of information. The need to improve methods of land assessment is substantiated, in particular, due to the changes that occurred in the economic situation and land ownership relations, the growth of requirements for the quality of agricultural products, and the need for a balanced use of soils. The problem of outdated economic assessment of land and the need to update its results in changed conditions are highlighted. The importance of the transition to the land market and the introduction of new valuation standards to consider the market value is also noted. The last part of the article considers a proposal for developing a single methodical approach to assessment, which will consider both economic and ecological aspects of the use of agricultural land, which will contribute to the effective management of these resources.
Keywords: analysis, expert analysis, assessment, management tools, agricultural land.
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The article was received 06.10.2022