УДК: 330:338.1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-2-54

Krykunenko Kateryna,
Candidate of Economy Sciences, Associate Professor
of the Department of Public Administration,
Management of Innovation and Advisory Services,
National University of Life and Environmental
Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Zhemoyda Oleksandr,
D.Sc. in Economics, Professor, National University
of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
Kyiv, Ukraine,
Mudryk Yurii,
PhD Student, National University of Life
and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
Kyiv, Ukraine,

JEL classification: Q16, O31, O38, Q13, Q18

The critical role of the European system of agricultural knowledge and innovations (AKIS) in ensuring the sustainable development of agriculture, especially in the segment of agricultural consulting, is substantiated. The article examines the European Union’s experience regarding the creation and implementation of the AKIS system and analyzes the possibilities of its adaptation in Ukraine. Using qualitative analysis methods, the efficiency of the factors of the existing systems in the EU and the possibility of their integration into the Ukrainian agricultural sector were evaluated. The study shows that the implementation of AKIS in Ukraine can significantly increase the productivity and sustainability of agriculture. It was established that the implementation of AKIS in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach, including technical aspects and institutional and social changes. It is proposed that the legislative framework that regulates the activities of the agricultural sector, scientific institutions, and consulting companies be clearly defined, which is the legal framework for implementing AKIS based on EU practice. Technological and product innovations should become the basis for increasing the efficiency of agriculture, and social and cultural factors should be considered when developing and implementing innovations. It is justified to create a favorable environment for innovation, which includes state support, attracting private investments, developing public-private partnerships, and using international resources, where consulting services should become available and of high quality, providing farmers with the necessary knowledge and support. It is proposed that effective coordination mechanisms be created between various participants in the agricultural sector to ensure access to financial resources to support innovative activities and develop educational programs to train highly qualified specialists.

Keywords: Agricultural knowledge, innovations, agricultural consulting, AKIS, EU, Ukraine, sustainable development.


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The article was received 12.04.2024