УДК: 657

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-57

Senchuk Ihor,
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor,
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
Kukhar Oleksandr,
Candidate Of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, State Biotechnological University,

JEL classification: Q13

The need to build an effective security system takes on particular importance in modern society, in which threats and risks are permanent and have become practically the norm of life, literally permeating all its spheres, including the economic one. This necessitates a deep understanding of economic security and its interrelationship with modern society’s phenomena, processes, and development trends and the development of a theory of security based on this. Sufficient attention is paid to economic security in the scientific literature: this concept is considered at different levels of organizational and economic activity in different spheres of life. The historical development of the concept of economic security is considered, the approaches to the definition of economic security are defined and considered, and the concept of economic security by scientists is analyzed. The fundamental conceptual approaches to the study of the problem of economic security are highlighted following the views and target attitudes of the researchers, and the author’s position is substantiated. Despite many studies in the scientific community, there is no generally accepted definition of the concept of “economic security of an agricultural enterprise”. Most of the authors in their works investigate the topic of economic security, limiting the category of objects of study to production entities or narrowing it down to individual methods of ensuring security. Therefore, almost every interpretation of this term is formulated in the context of the economic security of the entity itself, based on the research tasks. The theoretical development of the state’s agrarian and food strategy, aimed at solving the country’s food security problem, acquires particular importance for the agro-industrial complex’s scientific research and economic practice. The issue of food security as a constituent element of Ukraine’s national economic security system and as a part of the international security structure has just been studied. From the point of view of practical implementation, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the mechanism of ensuring the basic principles of food security in Ukraine in the conditions of forming new market relations.

Keywords: safety, researchers, agricultural enterprises, scientific views, criteria.


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The article was received 03.02.2023