УДК: 330.4, 338.012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-1-15
JEL classification: C61; L62
The study considers the peculiarities of cargo transportation by road in the conditions of new geopolitical and military threats and indicates the increase in the specific role of this mode of transport in the national freight circulation. It is established that the greater reliability of car cargo transportation leads to an increase in their strategic importance in the conditions of the latest threats not only for the sustainable development of the country’s economy, but also for national security. The mathematical apparatus of evaluating the use of road transport when cargo transportation is developed to ensure properly management levels. Two levels of cargo transportation management are considered – a national level of efficiency and the level of efficiency of a logistics company. It is stated that the national level necessitates, first of all, the realization of the problem of reliable transportation of goods. Therefore, to evaluate the effectiveness of a logistics company, it is necessary to analyze its economic indicators. It is proposed to be used as an indicator of the efficiency of freight transportation of national importance to increase the number of non -zero cells of the Boolean matrices in the developed mathematical model. The algorithm for using a group of integral target functions was developed for the enterprise level. For this purpose, a mathematical model of approaching a set of local target functions to their best values on the surface of the integral target function in the parameter space is implemented. For the economical use of the volume of calculating resources, it is proposed to distinguish pseudo static variants of transportation of goods, that is, such parameters of influence which are not significantly changed over time. If changes in time become significant, the introduction of the developed dynamic model is proposed. The developed mathematical model allows not only to solve the problem of finding the best values at the same time for several target functions, but also to evaluate comparatively the options for the use of road transport when transporting goods by the enterprise and to calculate the rank of these options in accordance with the level of their approximation to the best values of the target functions.
Keywords: road transport, cargo transportation, target function, evaluation, mathematical model.
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The article was received 12.01.2023