УДК 332.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-17
JEL classification: R12
Modern economy is based on the information and communication technologies and innovations where information and knowledge are considered to be the main keys to achieve the high and qualitative economic growth. For Ukraine this process is complicated because there is a necessity of the fundamental economy modernization on the basis of the information and network system formation and continuous innovation. The complicated economic situation and the loss of the part of the territory because of the occupation force to find new approaches and possibilities of the qualitative growth and economic stability. Modern tendencies of the world development due to the transition to the post-industrial stage of the information society development facilitate the appearing of various economic models of the network economy. The topicality of the paper lies in considering of reaching the high technological growth of the information society using the experience of the successful countries in the sphere of its implementing and usage.
Nowadays less attention is paid to the problems of the Ukrainian economy transformation in the conditions of the modern network economy growth conceptions and the common approach to the determination of the economic model in network economy suitable for the Ukraine was not yet offered.
The aim of the article is to analyze the main components of the network economy, to study the Estonian model of network economy development as a country with the successful experience of the present strategy realization. The determination and argumentation of the key tendencies of the network economy development with consideration of the possibilities of its implementing in Ukraine are under the study.
The problem of the network economy and the information society is much disputed amongst scholars. The most fundamental works in the network economy and the information society belongs to Manuel Castells who analyzes the tendencies that formed network society and new economy emerging called informational and global. D. Bell in his work «The Coming of Post-Industrial Society» denotes the place and role of the post-industrial society in the overall view of the social progress. Ukrainian scholar A. Chukhno in his works considers the problems of the correlation of industrial and post-industrial growth, new economy emerging and transition to the qualitatively new level of the social and economic growth. The expansion and usage of the information and telecommunication technologies he sees as one of «the fundamental processes of the post-industrial growth». According to S. Sokolenko the formation of the world networks and network economy became the leading tendency in evolution of the global output. The transition to the new stage of the world economy development he regards as industrial and information network economy.
The method of analysis and synthesis is used to reveal the basic constituents of the network economy and tendencies of its development in modern economy, the methods of historic and logical analyses are used to study the Estonian model of the network economy growth and to define the possibilities of this model implementing in Ukraine.
Network economy technologies cannot solve the problem of the national economy development, but the movement in this direction strengthens the Ukraine’s trade integration strategy into the world economy, facilitates the scientific, innovative and network economy development and enables to take the worthy place in the global information society. Consideration of the foreign experience, the prior task for Ukraine is to develop the global information infrastructure, to constitute an open and flexible foundation for e-Government services and «Open Big Data» for all authorities and government institutions.
Key words: network economy, e-Government, information services, Internet, information society.
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The article was received 21.07.2019