УДК 005:658.8:339.564
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-14
JEL classification: E23; F15; F63; L25; L64
Introduction. Assessment of export potential is the basis for the development and adoption of management decisions in managing the development of export activities of the enterprise, which is one of the promising areas of foreign policy of our state.
The purpose of the article is to substantiate the method of estimating the export potential of the enterprise on the basis of key indicators of development of its export activity, taking into account the obtained results to form general directions of the enterprise’s export intensification.
Results. In order to determine the indicators that should be used in assessing the export potential of the enterprise, the method of expert evaluation of T. Saati is used, which is based on a system of pairwise comparisons of certain features at the levels of the hierarchy. The list of indicators evaluated by experts is formed on the basis of theoretical generalization of scientists’ works. They included indicators of production, financial, investment, innovation and direct export activities of the enterprise. The indicators obtained by export analysis were used to calculate the integrated indicator of the development of export potential for enterprises in the machine-building industry.
As a result, the level of export potential of export-oriented enterprises is determined, the general directions of intensification of its export activity are offered.
Conclusions. On the basis of the expert analysis the system of indicators is defined on the basis of which such estimation of export potential of the enterprise will be carried out. Financial-production, innovation-investment spheres most fully reveal all aspects of the enterprise. Complementing these areas with indicators that characterize the export activities of economic entities allows you to get the most accurate indicator of the development level of their export potential. The obtained results of the integrated indicator calculation of the enterprise export potential development can be taken into account in the formation of its foreign policy at the local and state levels.
Keywords: exports, export activities, export potential, export intensification, assessment of export potential, integrated indicator of export potential development.
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The article was received 18.12.2019