УДК 338.47:656
The article is devoted to the assessment of methodological approaches that can be used in the country to choose the optimal investment mechanism for the construction of a highway on the principles of public-private partnership, from the standpoint of established norms. The methodical approaches developed by auto-track for the comparative estimation of the efficiency of the mechanism of the state order and mechanisms of public-private partnership, which involve using of motor roads on a free and paid basis, are considered and analyzed. The criteria of budget and cost-effectiveness do not allow ignoring ineffective projects and mechanisms when considering, and the criterion of financial efficiency may contain unjustified exclusions of implemented mechanisms that provide significant benefits to society as a whole. The results showed that the optimality criterion of the investment mechanism for the construction of the highway does not fully ensure the choice of a variant of the project, which is in line with the interests of society in our country as a whole.
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The article was received 02.10.2018