УДК: 332.023(31)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-49
JEL classification: N50; O13; Q26
The impact of human activity on the environment is becoming increasingly evident in the modern world. Growing industrialization, the use of natural resources, and environmental pollution lead to serious environmental problems at the global level. In this context, preserving natural resources in rural areas is particularly important. Villages and rural areas, an essential component of society, also play a crucial role in ensuring environmental and economic sustainability. Balanced environmental and economic sustainability in rural areas is a task that requires a comprehensive approach and interaction between different actors, including local authorities, communities, businesses, and civil society organizations. Environmental sustainability involves preserving the diversity of nature, maintaining ecosystems, and using resources rationally without harming the environment. Economic sustaiability is the development of agriculture and enterprises that provide vital goods and services while preserving the region’s ecological integrity. The study aims to analyze the ecological and economic sustainability of rural areas and provide recommendations on preserving natural resources and ensuring their sustainable development. This article analyzes various aspects of the environmental and economic sustainability of rural areas in Ukraine. The importance of preserving natural resources, the possibility of using new technologies for sustainable agriculture, and the role of communities and the state in achieving these goals are considered. The trends and critical issues are assessed across dimensions like natural resource management, pollution in rural areas, etc., drawing upon data from national statistics, government reports, academic studies, and field surveys. It is determined that it is necessary to implement measures aimed at conserving natural resources to ensure the sustainable development of rural areas. This is achieved by introducing resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies, developing alternative energy sources, promoting environmental culture, and improving the socio-economic situation in rural areas. This is achieved by creating new jobs, developing infrastructure, and providing social services. An essential condition for ensuring the sustainable development of rural areas is an integrated approach that considers all these factors. Rural areas play an essential role in ensuring food security and sustainable development of the country. However, in the process of economic activity in rural areas, significant environmental and economic problems arise that threaten the sustainability of these areas. Particular attention should be focused on integrated approaches that enhance synergies between the economic, environmental, and social spheres rather than individual initiatives. The importance of involving rural residents is emphasized to implement sustainability principles in rural lifestyles and institutions.
Keywords: sustainable development, rural areas of Ukraine, theoretical aspects, practical aspects, environmental sustainability, economic sustainability, natural resource conservation, agriculture, communities.
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The article was received 24.09.2023