УДК: 658.8:368.07

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-27

Artem Chentsov
Postgraduate student of International Economic Relations, Regional Studies and Tourism Department, University of Customs and Finance

JEL classification: М31; Р17; L26


Introduction. The similarity of goods’ technical characteristics in many consumer markets requires producers to focus on non-price methods of competition, based partly on the formation of their products proper information image in consumers’ minds. The formation of the production image must consider the fourth industrial revolution and the economic digitalization. This consideration requires changes in the enterprises marketing activities organization. Accordingly, there arises a problem of adapting enterprises’ marketing activities to formal and informal relations between key economic agents.

The purpose of the study was to develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of the enterprise marketing activities organization through involving the system-reflexive paradigm.

Results. The study’s hypothesis was to subordinate the process of enterprise marketing activities organizing to the subject of marketing activities reflection rank increasing requirement. This hypothesis also requires considering all stakeholders’ interests in creating product processes, not just end-users. An additional hypothesis was to focus the marketing organization not on the individual entity’s experience, but the quantitative indicators laid down in the concept of data-driven marketing. The hypotheses have been proved by determining the structure of the enterprise’s marketing activities subject area. Narrowing the compromise zone between the consumer and the company has been chosen as the object of marketing activities. Due to the given approach, marketing activities have been considered simultaneously as a process, as a phenomenon with a certain structure, as an interaction, as a function and as a system. The logic combining of the enterprise marketing activities and reflective management has been reflected.

Conclusions. The system-reflexive approach allows developing the marketing paradigm by forming informational influences on the consumer interest. The requirement to increase the reflection rank within the cycles of the enterprise’s marketing activities organization has been presented as the basis of offered development.

Keywords: marketing activity, system-reflexive marketing, economic interest, reflection rank.


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The article was received 10.09.2020