УДК: 005.21.351

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-36

Yevhen Maslennikov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Management and Innovation,
Odessa National University named after II Mechnikov

JEL classification: М15


Introduction. The competitiveness of enterprises in the conditions of transformation is one of the defining characteristics of the national economy development efficiency, which will positively affect the growth of the national economy. Among the most important problems of improving the competitiveness of economic entities there are the formation of a management system, adequate conditions for the development of a competitive environment, which involves the development of a rational internal economic strategy that will ensure the enterprise competitiveness.

The purpose of the article is a theoretical and methodological analysis and improvement of the processes of ensuring the enterprises competitiveness in the system of economic management.

Materials and methods. The theoretical basis in the process of scientific research were the scientific works of famous Ukrainian and foreign scientists, Ukrainian legislation and regulations. During the study, general scientific and special methods were used: analysis, diagnostics, synthesis, induction, deduction to study the economic essence and features of the enterprises competitiveness in the system of economic management; the method of generalization and specification was used to develop recommendations for improving the process of ensuring the enterprises competitiveness in the system of economic management, etc.

Results. The research substantiates the need to improve the process of ensuring the enterprises competitiveness in the system of economic management.

Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it is proved that in the current conditions of economic entities development there is a question of improving the process of ensuring the enterprises competitiveness in the system of economic management. Theoretical and methodological support of the system of ensuring the economic entities competitiveness, which focuses on targeted procedures, regulations, decisions, measures and actions with maximum use of existing production and economic potential, competitive advantages in the macroeconomic environment based on modern principles and approaches that lead to a qualitatively new state of economic activity of enterprises.

Keywords: competitiveness, enterprise, management, efficiency, national economy.


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The article was received 09.10.2020