УДК 37
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-2-1
JEL classification: I 24
Introduction. The development of technology leads to a change in the structure of markets and to the formation of the «economics of superstars». This fully applies to the market of educational services, when the introduction of distance formal education can lead to the emergence of superstar teachers and the reformatting of this market.
The purpose of the article is to identify opportunities and threats to the formation of the «economics of superstars» in the field of formal education due to the influence of modern technologies and changes that have been introduced through quarantine measures in the educational process in educational institutions.
Results. The formation process of the «economics of superstars» is described as a result of the introduction of new technologies. The influence of the online learning introduction for pupils and students on the formation process of teachers-superstars is determined in the results of the introduction of quarantine measures in Ukraine. After the end of quarantine, the state can maintain this form of the educational process organization, providing access to quality educational services to pupils and students regardless of their place of residence. In turn, this will reduce the demand for teachers and the separation of superstar teachers from teachers of the second and third ranks. The proliferation of online educational resources in the formal education system will lead to the disqualification of most teachers, to creation of superstar teachers and the education system of the winners. Qualified teachers can take advantage of their comparative advantage only if other teachers supplement these face-to-face lectures. This complementarity will increase the number and quality of face-to-face teaching services, potentially increasing the marginal product and salaries of lower-skilled teachers.
Conclusions. It is proved that the use of technologies in the field of educational services can lead to the formation of the «economics of superstars» in Ukraine. The results show that teachers who have online lessons for pupils and students all over Ukraine and become superstars during quarantine events have every chance of maintaining this status after quarantine. Further research is needed to determine the difference in the trends of superstars in the markets of mixed goods with different characteristics: in the markets of goods that are non-competitive and excluded, and in the markets of goods that are competitive and non-excluded.
Key words: economics of superstars, education, educational service, formal education, quarantine, online resources.
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The article was received 15.04.2020