УДК: 338.25:632(34)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-56

Vysochanska Mariia,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of NAAS,

JEL classification: Q10

The relevance of the research lies in the solution of possible ways of accelerated development of beekeeping and the creation of a market for its products and acquires primary importance. Essential aspects of market relations between producers, processors, and distributors of beekeeping products still need to be explored. In addition, there needs to be more information on the economic efficiency of beekeeping production. In this regard, there is a need to research to increase the effectiveness of their interaction in forming economic aspects regarding the balanced development of the beekeeping industry to increase labor productivity in this area and meet the needs of their products. The article aims to determine the main trends of the economic aspects of the balanced development of the beekeeping industry. The article analyzes the economic aspects of the balanced development of the beekeeping industry. It was determined that modern beekeeping aims to increase production efficiency and product quality and ensure the industry’s sustainable development in the conditions of modern economic and environmental challenges. It has been proven that beekeeping provides an opportunity to obtain valuable products and contributes to increasing the productivity of agricultural production and other sectors of the economy. It was determined that the balanced development of beekeeping considers economic aspects that allow for sustainable and profitable development of the industry. Several economic aspects are essential for the balanced development of beekeeping, including market orientation, diversification of products, improvement of product quality, efficient use of resources, financial sustainability, supply chain optimization, innovation, and research. It was found that a feature of the area for the location of beekeeping is that bees do not tolerate the negative impact of environmental protection. However, at the same time, they act as an indicator of its condition. Within their spatial limitation, bees can adapt to unfavorable living conditions. At the same time, the risk of substances that can be harmful to the human body increases in beekeeping products. According to the territorial principle, population organization is an essential factor in beekeeping development. For example, areas with a high level of urbanization are less favorable for the development of beekeeping due to the uncertain ecological situation in cities and their surrounding areas, significant plowed land, and the absence of extensive forest areas in fenced areas, as well as strained transport and communication infrastructure between settlements. These characteristics also affect the formation of local sales networks, product certification centers, veterinary control points in the industry, the availability of a technological base for expanding the range of products, and research centers for new production technologies. To develop concrete strategies for the balanced development of the beekeeping industry in different regions of Ukraine, additional complex studies are needed, considering social and geographical aspects. These studies will assess the scientific basis for substantiating the optimal conditions for the functioning of this industry.

Keywords: ecological and economic foundations, beekeeping, agricultural sector, export.


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The article was received 02.03.2023