УДК 339.543

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-3-13

Chumak Oksana,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Department of Economics and Business Technology,
National Aviation University
Zibnytskyi Illia,
Postgraduate Student, National Aviation University

JEL classification: H29, P33, F15, E52

In the context of martial law and the implementation of international customs law norms and procedures in the domestic economic space, the requirements for customs and business operations efficiency of foreign economic operators are becoming more stringent. The issues of the customs policy of an enterprise, as such, which ensures the systematization of organizational, economic and managerial processes and operations to ensure the effective implementation of foreign economic activity, are becoming increasingly important. Based on a study of scientific publications covering customs policy, the author proves that there is no systematic approach to its identification at the micro level, i.e., at the level of enterprises. The author emphasizes the need for clear regulation of foreign economic activity operations at enterprises. It is proved that the absence of a systematic approach to determining the customs policy of enterprises does not fully ensure the achievement of efficiency of foreign economic activity. The author proposes to consider the customs policy of an enterprise as a set of methodological approaches, standards and mechanisms that ensure effective management of business processes related to customs clearance of goods, compliance with customs legislation and optimization of customs payments. The economic and legal principles of interaction between customs policy at the macro and micro levels are revealed, where the State establishes general rules and regulations, and enterprises adapt their activities in accordance with these requirements. It is proposed to include economic (financial management, customs logistics, customs payments, organization of customs procedures) and legal (risk management, legal regulation, information and legal support, partnership with customs brokers, administration) parameters in the elements of the enterprise’s customs policy, each of which will affect the efficiency of foreign economic activity management. It is argued that the introduction of a comprehensive customs policy of an enterprise will help to increase its competitiveness in international markets and ensure the effective functioning of foreign economic activity. Prospects for further scientific research are determined in the plane of applied projection of the proposed provisions for the formation of customs policy to ensure the development of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises.

Keywords: customs policy, elements of customs policy, foreign economic activity, customs payments, financial management, administration, legal regulation.


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The article was received 18.07.2024